Nearest Railway Station To McLeod Ganj

McLeod Ganj is a famous tourist spot near the hill station of Dharamshala. It is located in Kangra District in the Northern State of Himachal Pradesh in India. It is known as little Lhasa as this is where the Tibetan Government-in-exile is headquartered and is home to a large population of Tibetans.

McLeod Ganj is located 88 kilometers from Pathankot, 196 kilometers from Ludhiana, 241 kilometers from Chandigarh in Punjab, and 473 kilometers from Delhi.

Nearest Railway Stations to Mcleod Ganj

There is no railway station in Mcleod Ganj or Dharamshala. There are a few railway stations near Mcleod Ganj. Let’s have a look at a few of the railway stations near Mcleod Ganj.

Pathankot Railway Station88 kilometers2.5 hours
Amb Andaura Railway Station93 kilometers2.5 hours
Sujanpur Railway Station100 kilometers3 hours
Madhopur Railway Station102 kilometers3 hours
Kathua Railway Station115 kilometers3.5 hours

How to reach Mcleod Ganj from Pathankot Railway Station

The distance between Mcleod Ganj and Pathankot railway station is 88 kilometers. There are three ways to reach Mcleod Ganj from Pathankot. The best way to reach Mcleod Gunj from Pathankot is by bus. Regular buses run between Pathankot and Mcleod Gung. The other way to reach Mcleod Gunj is by taxi/cab. If you are coming in your car, Mcleod Gunj is 2.5 hours’ drive from Pathankot.

How to reach Mcleod Ganj from Amb Andaura Railway Station

The distance between Mcleod Ganj and Amb Andaura railway station is 93 kilometers. There are two ways to reach Mcleod Ganj from Amb Andaura. The best way to reach Mcleod Gunj from Amb Andaura is by taxi/cab. There are no direct buses from Amb Andaura to Mcleod Gunj. If you are coming in your car, Mcleod Gunj is 2.5 hours’ drive from Amb Andaura.

How to reach Mcleod Ganj from Sujanpur Railway Station

The distance between Mcleod Ganj and Sujanpur railway station is 100 kilometers. There are three ways to reach Mcleod Ganj from Sujanpur. The best way to reach Mcleod Gunj from Sujanpur is by bus. To take a bus to Mcleod Gunj, first go to nearby city Pathankot from Sujanpur. From here, a bus departs each day to Mcleod Gunj. Another way to reach Mcleod Gunj is by taxi/cab. If you are coming in your car, Mcleod Gunj is 3 hours’ drive from Sujanpur.

How to reach Mcleod Ganj from Madhopur Railway Station

The distance between Mcleod Ganj and Madhopur railway station is 102 kilometers. There are three ways to reach Mcleod Ganj from Madhopur. The best way to reach Mcleod Gunj from Madhopur is by bus. To take a bus to Mcleod Gunj, first go to nearby city Pathankot from Madhopur. From here, a bus departs each day to Mcleod Gunj. Another way to reach Mcleod Gunj is by taxi/cab. If you are coming in your car, Mcleod Gunj is 3 hours’ drive from Madhopur.

How to reach Mcleod Ganj from Kathua Railway Station

The distance between Mcleod Ganj and Kathua railway station is 115 kilometers. There are three ways to reach Mcleod Ganj from Kathua. The best way to reach Mcleod Gunj from Kathua is by bus. To take a bus to Mcleod Gunj, first go to nearby city Pathankot from Kathua. From here, a bus departs each day to Mcleod Gunj. Another way to reach Mcleod Gunj is by taxi/cab. If you are coming in your car, Mcleod Gunj is 3.5 hours’ drive from Kathua. 

How to reach Mcleod Ganj by Train from Ludhiana

The distance between Mcleod Ganj and Ludhiana is 196 kilometers. The nearest railway station to Mcleod Gunj is Pathankot. The most preferable way to reach Pathankot from Ludhiana is by train. There are several train options available on this route. Let’s have a look at the top three trains from Ludhiana to Pathankot.  

NDLS JAT RAJDHANI: It departs from Ludhiana Junction at 01:06 and reaches Pathankot Cantt railway station at 03:35.

UTTAR SMPRK KRANTI EXP: It departs from Ludhiana Junction at 01:40 and reaches Pathankot Cantt railway station at 04:20.

KYQ SVDK EXPRESS: It departs from Ludhiana Junction at 08:45 and reaches Pathankot Cantt railway station at 11:40.

How to reach Mcleod Ganj by Train from Chandigarh

The distance between Mcleod Ganj and Ludhiana is 241 kilometers. The nearest railway stations to Mcleod Gunj are Pathankot and Amb Andaura. The following train options are available on these routes.

UMB NLDM ADDR MEMU: It departs from Chandigarh railway station at 08:40 and reaches Amb Andaura railway station at 12:35.

UMB CHDL PASS: It departs from Chandigarh railway station at 15:35 and reaches Amb Andaura railway station at 19:34.

KLK SVDK EXPRESS: It departs from Chandigarh railway station at 19:35 and reaches Pathankot railway station at 00:23. It runs only on Tue and Friday.

How to reach Mcleod Ganj by Train from Delhi

The distance between Mcleod Ganj and Delhi is 473 kilometers. The nearest railway station to Mcleod Gunj is Pathankot. The most preferable way to reach Pathankot from Delhi is by train. There are several train options available on this route. Let’s have a look at the top three trains from Delhi to Pathankot.  

ROU MURI JAT EXPRESS: It departs from Old Delhi railway station at 22:00 and reaches Pathankot railway station at 11:00

DLI PTK SUPERFAST EXPRESS: It departs from Old Delhi railway station at 08:25 and reaches Pathankot railway station at 18:30

NED JAT SPECIAL: It departs from New Delhi railway station at 13:40 and reaches Pathankot railway station at 00:30