Nearest Railway Station to Kaziranga National Park

Kaziranga National Park is a wildlife sanctuary located in Golaghat, Nagaon, and Karbi Anglong districts in the Indian State of Assam. The park is also considered the world heritage site. It is located 89 kilometers from Golaghat, 112 kilometers from Jorhat in Assam, 163 kilometers from Dimapur in Nagaland, and 193 kilometers from Guwahati in Assam.

Nearest Railway Stations to Kaziranga National Park

There is no railway station in Karizanga National Park. However, there are several railway stations near Kaziranga National Park. Let’s have a look at a few of these railway stations.

Jakhalabandha Railway Station19 kilometres28 minutes
Silghat Town Railway Station31 kilometers47 minutes
Amoni Railway Station43 kilometers1 hour
Rangapara North Junction82 kilometers2 hours
Furkating Railway Station100 kilometers2.25 hours

How to reach Kaziranga National Park from Jakhalabandha Railway Station

The distance between Kaziranga National Park and Jakhalabandha Railway Station is 19 kilometers. There are two ways to reach Kaziranga National Park from Jakhalabandha Railway Station. The best way is by taking a cab/taxi from Jakhalabandha. The other way is to reach by car. If you are coming in a car, Kaziranga National Park is 28 minutes’ drive from Jakhalabandha Railway Station.

How to reach Kaziranga National Park from Silghat Town Railway Station

The distance between Kaziranga National Park and Silghat Town Railway Station is 31 kilometers. There are two ways to reach Kaziranga National Park from Silghat Town Railway Station. The best way is by taking a cab/taxi from Silghat Town. The other way is to reach by car. If you are coming in a car, Kaziranga National Park is 47 minutes’ drive from Silghat Town Railway Station.

How to reach Kaziranga National Park from Amoni Railway Station

The distance between Kaziranga National Park and Amoni Railway Station is 43 kilometers. There are two ways to reach Kaziranga National Park from Amoni Railway Station. The best way is by taking a cab/taxi from Amoni. The other way is to reach by car. If you are coming in a car, Kaziranga National Park is 1-hour’ drive from Amoni Railway Station.

 How to reach Kaziranga National Park from Rangapara North Junction

The distance between Kaziranga National Park and Rangapara North Junction is 82 kilometers. There are two ways to reach Kaziranga National Park from Rangapara North Junction. The best way is by taking a cab/taxi from Rangapara. The other way is to reach by car. If you are coming in a car, Kaziranga National Park is 2 hours’ drive from Rangapara North Junction.

How to reach Kaziranga National Park from Furkating Railway Station

The distance between Kaziranga National Park and Furkating Railway Station is 100 kilometers. There are two ways to reach Kaziranga National Park from Furkating Railway Station. The best way is by taking a cab/taxi from Furkating. The other way is to reach by car. If you are coming in a car, Kaziranga National Park is 2.25 hours’ drive from Furkating Railway Station.

How to reach Kaziranga National Park by Train from Jorhat

The distance between Kaziranga National Park and Jorhat is 112 kilometers. The preferable way is to travel by train from Jorhat to Kaziranga. However, there is no direct train from Jorhat to Kaziranga. The best alternative is to take a train from Jorhat to Furkating Railway Station and then take a taxi from Furkating to Kaziranga. Let’s have a look at the top 3 available train options from Jorhat to Furkating.

MXN GHY I/C EXPRESS: It departs from Jorhat Town railway station at 5:32 and reaches Furkating junction at 7:38.

DBRG GHY IC EXP: It departs from Jorhat Town railway station at 18:52 and reaches Furkating junction at 21:20.

MXN FKG DMV PASSENGER: It departs from Jorhat Town railway station at 7:08 and reaches Furkating junction at 9:20.

How to reach Kaziranga National Park by Train from Dimapur

The distance between Kaziranga National Park and Dimapur is 163 kilometers. The preferable way is to travel by train from Dimapur to Kaziranga. However, there is no direct train from Dimapur to Kaziranga. The best alternative is to take a train from Dimapur to Furkating Railway Station and then take a taxi from Furkating to Kaziranga. Let’s have a look at the top 3 available train options from Dimapur to Furkating.

JAN SHATABDI EXP: It departs from Dimapur railway station at 10:48 and reaches Furkating junction at 12:02.

INTERCITY EXP: It departs from Dimapur railway station at 2:02 and reaches Furkating junction at 3:55.

RNY DBRG EXPRESS: It departs from Dimapur railway station at 12:57 and reaches Furkating junction at 14:28. Available on only on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.

How to reach Kaziranga National Park by Train from Guwahati

The distance between Kaziranga National Park and Guwahati is 193 kilometers. The preferable way is to travel by train from Guwahati to Kaziranga. However, there is no direct train from Guwahati to Kaziranga. The best alternative is to take a train from Guwahati to Slighat Town Railway Station and then take a taxi from Slighat Town to Kaziranga. Let’s have a look at the top 3 available train options from Guwahati to Slighat Town.

GHY SHTT DEMU: It departs from the Guwahati railway station at 16:30 and reaches the Slighat Town railway station at 20:55.

APDJ SHTT RAJYA RANI EXP: It departs from Guwahati railway station at 5:05 and reaches the Slighat Town railway station at 9:40. Available only on Wednesday, Saturday, and Monday.

NAGAON EXPRESS: It departs from the Guwahati railway station at 4:55 and reaches the Slighat Town railway station at 9:40. Available only on Thursday.