Nearest Railway Station To Gir National Park

Gir National Park, also famous as Sasan Gir is a wildlife sanctuary near Talala. It is located in three districts Junagarh, Gir Somnath, and Amreli Districts in the Indian State of Gujarat. It is located 76 kilometers from Junagarh, 104 kilometers from Amreli, 161 kilometers from Rajkot, 325 kilometers from Ahmedabad in Gujarat.

Nearest Railway Stations to Susan Gir

There is one railway station near the Gir National Park that is Susan Gir railway station. There are several other Railway Stations near Gir National Park. Let’s have a look at a few of these railway stations.

Talala Railway Station16 kilometers30 minutes
Maliya Hatina Railway Station33 kilometers50 minutes
Somnath Railway Station41 kilometers1.25 hours
Veraval Railway Station41 kilometers1.25 hours
Junagarh Railway Station52 kilometers1.5 hours

How to reach Susan Gir from Talala Railway Station?

The distance between Susan Gir and Talala Railway Station is 16 kilometers. There are two ways to reach Susan Gir from Talala railway station. The most convenient way is to take a taxi from Talala railway station to Susan Gir. Another way to reach Susan Gir is by car. If you are coming in the car, Susan Gir is just 30 minutes’ drive from Talala railway station.

How to reach Susan Gir from Maliya Hatina Railway Station?

The distance between Susan Gir and Maliya Hatina Railway Station is 33 kilometers. There are two ways to reach Susan Gir from Maliya Hatina railway station. The most convenient way is to take a taxi from Maliya Hatina railway station to Susan Gir. Another way to reach Susan Gir is by car. If you are coming in the car, Susan Gir is just 50 minutes’ drive from Maliya Hatina railway station.

How to reach Susan Gir from Somnath Railway Station?

The distance between Susan Gir and Somnath Railway Station is 41 kilometers. There are three ways to reach Susan Gir from the Somnath railway station. The best way is by train. You can take a train from the Somnath railway station to Susan Gir. You can also take a taxi from the Somnath railway station to Susan Gir. Another way to reach Susan Gir is by car. If you are coming in the car, Susan Gir is just 1.25 hours’ drive from the Somnath railway station.

How to reach Susan Gir from Veraval Railway Station?

The distance between Susan Gir and Veraval Railway Station is 41 kilometers. There are three ways to reach Susan Gir from the Veraval Railway Station. The best way is by train. You can take a train from Veraval railway station to Susan Gir. You can also take a taxi from Veraval railway station to Susan Gir. Another way to reach Susan Gir is by car. If you are coming in the car, Susan Gir is just 1.25 hours’ drive from Veraval railway station.

How to reach Susan Gir from Junagarh Railway Station?

The distance between Susan Gir and Junagarh Railway Station is 52 kilometers. There are three ways to reach Susan Gir from the Junagarh railway station. The best way is by train. You can take a train from the Junagarh railway station to Susan Gir. You can also take a taxi from the Junagarh railway station to Susan Gir. Another way to reach Susan Gir is by car. If you are coming in the car, Susan Gir is just a 1.5 hours’ drive from the Junagarh railway station.

How to reach Susan Gir by Train from Amreli?

The distance between Susan Gir and Amreli is 104 kilometers. The best way to reach Susan Gir from Amreli is by Train. There are two train options available from Amerli to Susan Gir railway Station. Let’s have a look at these two train options.

AE VRLF PASS: It departs from Amreli railway station at 8:35 and reaches Susan Gir railway station at 11:47.

AE VRLF: It departs from Amreli railway station at 12:10 and reaches Susan Gir railway station at 15:56.

How to reach Susan Gir by Train from Rajkot?

The distance between Susan Gir and Rajkot is 161 kilometers. There best way to reach Susan Gir from Rajkot is by Train. There is no direct train to Susan Gir from Rajkot. The best alternative is the Junagarh railway station. Let’s have a look at the top three train options from Rajkot to Junagarh.

OKHA SOMNATH EXP: It departs from Rajkot junction at 1:28 and reaches Junagarh junction at 3:19.

SOMNATH EXPRESS: It departs from Rajkot junction at 2:12 and reaches Junagarh junction at 4:20.

SAURASHTRA MAIL: It departs from Rajkot junction at 11:05 and reaches Junagarh junction at 13:13.

How to reach Susan Gir by Train from Ahmedabad?

The distance between Susan Gir and Ahmedabad is 325 kilometers. There best way to reach Susan Gir from Ahmedabad is by Train. There is no direct train to Susan Gir from Ahmedabad. The best alternative is the Junagarh railway station. Let’s have a look at the top three train options from Ahmedabad to Junagarh.

SOMNATH EXPRESS: It departs from Ahmedabad junction at 22:10 and reaches Junagarh junction at 4:18.

SAURASHTRA MAIL: It departs from Ahmedabad junction at 5:55 and reaches Junagarh junction at 13:13.

PUNE VERAVAL EXPRESS: It departs from Ahmedabad junction at 8:05 and reaches Junagarh junction at 14:47.